„Open Access“ für Forschungsdaten

Connotea Imports 2012-12-31


From Google's English: "The RatSWD welcomes the recent recommendations of the Scientific Council and the Commission of inquiry "Internet and Digital Society", which give free access to research data Chairman of the RatSWD, Gert G. Wagner (German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin), said: "It is extremely gratifying that the research institutions and policy in Germany very early on the topic" have addressed open access ". We are international in this field in a leading role. Now we have open access to implement even legally and technically rapidly ". the Science emphasizes in his "recommendations for further development of the scientific information infrastructures in Germany 2020" the need for "maximum publicity digital research data" (WR, 13 July 2012). He agrees with the recommendations of the Alliance Initiative "Digital Information" (rules for dealing with research data, http://www.ratswd.de/download/RatSWD_WP_2010/RatSWD_WP_156.pdf ) (from 2010 as well as the recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Information Infrastructure KII) on behalf of the Joint Science Conference of the Federal and State of 2011 ( http://www.ratswd.de/new/KII_2011.php ). Also the survey committee of the Bundestag "Internet and Digital Society" argues in her recent decision significantly for comprehensive support of open access principle in science from. The proposal by the project group Education and Research recommendations advocate a sustainable open-access strategy under joint participation of the German research funding policies and the German university landscape. , the Science has in its recommendations to the challenges for data sharing, that is, the multi-use Research data indicate: These include the compliance with quality criteria in the generation and documentation of research data and the handling of sensitive data. Furthermore, the citation of research data establish as a norm. In order to be significant findings and recommendations made ​​by the RatSWD and his scientific environment developed in recent years, taken constructively. For the current discussion is the "Working Papers" of the RatSWD referenced: http://www.ratswd.de/publ/workingpapers.php "



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Date tagged:

12/31/2012, 16:06

Date published:

12/31/2012, 11:06