Linked Open Data at the National library of the Netherlands | Research in KB's bookmarks 2014-09-08


"According to the National library of the Netherlands, libraries are positioned at the very core of the Semantic Web. In the words of Hans Jansen, Head of the library’s Innovation and Development department, “Linking data is the way forward for libraries. Any cultural heritage institution that does not invest in linking data will become obsolete.”  The National library completed several successful Linked Data projects based on metadata linking. For example, for our newspaper app Here was the news (available in Dutch only), we added latitude and longitude data to our Dutch historical newspaper articles. The app allows users to search the newspaper collection by location. Moreover, the library has added links between its own journal collection and the TV and radio recordings of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. (This feature is not yet available on our website.)  While the work on linking our metadata continues, the library’s Research department is currently involved in an effort to link named entities in our full text collections. The purpose of this project is to contribute to a fully Linked Open Data-enabled library, entailing an enhanced user experience and improved discovery based on semantic relations. To further contribute to the progress of the semantic web, we will offer our full text enrichments as open data ..."


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Date tagged:

09/08/2014, 07:53

Date published:

09/08/2014, 07:35