Guidance on the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Open Access (OA) policy for the “post-2014” Research Excellence Framework (REF)'s bookmarks 2014-09-11


"This Green OA policy applies to all researchers based at a U.K. HEI (higher education institution). It 
states that they should deposit the Accepted Manuscript (AM) version of articles and conference 
proceedings in an institutional or subject repository within three months of acceptance for 
publication. Authors can make a 'closed' deposit, whereby the full text is not immediately 
available, but information about it is still discoverable. The full text must be made freely available 
for anyone to read within either 12 months (Science and Technology [S&T]) or 24 months (Social 
Sciences, Arts and Humanities [SSAH]) of publication of the final article / Version of Record.
Taylor & Francis-published journals have embargo periods of 12 months for S&T and 18 months 
for SSAH. However, for society titles, we are introducing ‘society choice’ around embargo 
periods. For more details, please see this comprehensive list."


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Tags: oa.compliance oa.mandates oa.funders oa.ref oa.hefce oa.embargoes oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.societies oa.taylor&francis ru.sparc oa.guides oa.repositories oa.policies

Date tagged:

09/11/2014, 08:09

Date published:

09/11/2014, 07:56