UK proposes changes to re-use of public information: ODI fears a backwards step | News | Open Data Institute's bookmarks 2014-10-04


"The UK Government is undertaking a consultation on its plans for implementing the amended EU Directive on the re-use of public sector information (PSI). The government is considering changing existing processes that enable some public bodies to charge for the re-use of PSI. It is also proposing the introduction of a tribunal to make rulings on complaints about re-use legally binding. The ODI is concerned that the proposed changes are a backwards step for the UK. They focus too strongly on reducing the burdens for the public sector, rather than facilitating re-use. In some cases, they might allow public bodies to charge more for re-use of their information than is currently allowed. We’ve just published our draft submission to the consultation. We encourage you to have a look, provide feedback and use as much of it as you like for your own submission responses. If you’re not planning on putting in your own submission, you can be added as a signatory to the ODI’s. Email ODI Policy Lead Ellen Broad at to find out how. The closing date to be added as a signatory is Friday, 3 October ..."


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Date tagged:

10/04/2014, 08:30

Date published:

10/04/2014, 07:48