Harvard Research Scientist: Sharing Discoveries More Efficient, More Honorable Than Patenting Them | Techdirt

Delicious/sc.at.neu/openaccess 2012-11-19


"Meet Jay Bradner, Harvard research scientist, who disovered a promising molecule that may represent a step forward in the fight against cancer and decided to put science before fortune, because he's a human being. Oh, and also because he suggests that going the patent route would be less efficient and less honorable."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » abernard102@gmail.com
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Delicious/sc.at.neu/openaccess


oa.medicine oa.new oa.comment oa.universities oa.open_science oa.patents oa.lay oa.pharma oa.biomedicine oa.harvard.u oa.colleges openaccess oa.hei

Date tagged:

11/19/2012, 12:15

Date published:

11/19/2012, 07:15