More publishers move towards CC-BY licence for OA articles - Research Information

Delicious/ 2012-11-19


Each year, Open Access Week signals a wealth of access-related announcements from companies and organisations involved in scholarly publishing. This year many of the announcements focused on licensing conditions. At first glance, open access (OA) can seem like a single, unifying concept. However, the reality is different. Even within the gold subset of OA (where publication fees are paid by authors or others) there are many differences, in particular what users can do with content, which has varied between publications and publishers. However, the past month or so has seen several moves by publishers towards the CC-BY licence. These include the IET, Taylor & Francis, IOP Publishing, Nature Publishing Group (NPG) and Wiley.


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Tags: oa.npg oa.business_models oa.publishers oa.policies oa.licensing oa.mining oa.copyright oa.wiley oa.taylor&francis oa.iet oa.oa_week publishing openaccess oa.libre oa.iopp oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

11/19/2012, 14:09

Date published:

11/19/2012, 09:09