The MedOANet European Workshop Press Release

Projetos Open Access da Universidade do Minho 2013-02-14

The MedOANet European Workshop took place at the University of Minho, Braga – Portugal, on the 6th February, 2013, included in a larger event, the UMinho Open Access Seminar, which brought together the MedOANet European Workshop and the OpenAIRE Interoperability Workshop, offering also public sessions on Open Access policies, open science, data repositories, interoperability and research infrastructures.

The main goal of the MedOANet European Workshop was to bring together decision-makers and task force representatives from the six Mediterranean countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey.  The event gathered 42 participants, comprising experts, project partners and task force members.

The MedOANet European Workshop included presentations by the project partners with a brief overview on Open Access in the six Mediterranean countries and allowed participants to engage in discussion into two parallel sessions addressed to Research Funders and Research Performing Organizations’ representatives.  On both sessions issues on policy definition, policy implementation and sustainability, and policy enforcing and monitoring were addressed in the perspective of Research Funders and Research Performing Organizations.

The general and preliminary conclusions stressed the regional diversity (levels of awareness and involvement of stakeholders across the countries), the limited coordination at different levels (national, regional and within the European context) on the Mediterranean countries and the need to strengthen the advocacy and awareness efforts and make them permanent. Finally, a strong recommendation has been issued to improve the convergence, alignment and coordination of policies at regional level, using the European Commission’s policies and documents (especially the Communication and the Recommendation to member states from July 2012) as the general framework and model for this purpose.

As a result of the MedOANet European Workshop, a report with conclusions and recommendations will be produced soon, combined with Guidelines for policy makers that will be issued in the coming months, with a view to the effective implementation of the Commission’s recommendations on Open Access to scientific information.

The presentations can be found at the UMinho Open Access Seminar website: []

Press Release [PDF]

MedOANet (Mediterranean Open Access Network) addresses the necessity for coordinated strategies and policies in Open Access to scientific information in Europe.  The project’s goal is to enhance existing policies, strategies and structures for Open Access and to contribute towards the implementation of new ones in six Mediterranean countries: Greece, Turkey, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.  It will also promote national and regional coordination of policies, strategies and structures in these six countries and beyond. The consortium comprises organizations from nine countries with key roles in issues of access to, dissemination and preservation of research.