Inscrições Abertas para a Confoa 2012
Blog RCAAP 2012-10-11
Já se encontram abertas as inscrições para a 3.ª Conferência Luso-Brasileira sobre Acesso Aberto, que se realiza na Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, no Campus de Campolide, nos dias 1 e 2 de Outubro de 2012.
As inscrições são gratuitas e podem ser feitas através da página da 3.ªCONFOA
A comissão organizadora tem o prazer de informar que, até ao momento, está confirmada a presença dos seguintes oradores:
Acesso Aberto 10 anos após a declaração da BOAI: onde estamos e para onde vamos.
Alma Swan is a consultant working in the field of scholarly communication. She is a director of Key Perspectives Ltd and Director of European Advocacy Programmes for SPARC and Convenor for Enabling Open Scholarship, the organisation of universities promoting the principles of open scholarship in the academic community. She holds honorary academic positions in the University of Southampton School of Electronics & Computer Science and the University of Warwick Business School.
Cameron Neylon - Public Library of Science
Impacto do acesso aberto na comunidade científica: métricas alternativas de ciência.
Cameron Neylon is a biophysicist with an interest in how to make the internet more effective as a tool for science. He writes and speaks regularly on scholarly communication, the design of web based tools for research, and the need for policy and cultural change within and around the research community.
He is Advocacy Director for the Public Library of Science, a research biophysicist and well known agitator for opening up the process of research. He speaks regularly on issues of Open Science including Open Access publication, Open Data, and Open Source as well as the wider technical and social issues of applying the opportunities the internet brings to the practice of science. He was named as a SPARC Innovator in July 2010 for work on the Panton Principles and is a proud recipient of the Blue Obelisk for contributions to open data. He writes regularly at his blog, Science in the Open.
Eloy Rodrigues – Universidade do Minho
Eloy Rodrigues é Diretor dos Serviços de Documentação da Universidade do Minho, liderou, em 2003, a criação do RepositoriUM – o repositório institucional da Universidade de Minho. Desde Julho de 2008 lidera a equipa da Universidade do Minho que desenvolve o projecto Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal ( Foi membro do grupo de trabalho sobre Open Access da EUA (European Universities Association) em representação do Conselho de Reitores das Universidades Portuguesas, preside ao Grupo de Trabalho sobre Interoperabilidade da Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) e coordena a participação da Universidade do Minho em vários projetos (NECOBELAC, OpenAIRE e OpenAIREplus, MEDOANET) financiados pelo 7º Programa Quadro da UE relacionados com os repositórios e o Open Access.
Johanna McEntyre – EMBL- European Bioinformatics Institute
Acesso Aberto aos dados científicos.
Jo McEntyre is the Team Leader for Literature Services at EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). The team currently run two life science literature databases: CiteXplore (over 25 million abstracts including PubMed, Agricola and Patent information) and UK PubMed Central, a full text database of 2.2 million articles. The literature databases are linked to public biological databases via curated links and useful terms (such as gene names, diseases, and organisms) that have been text mined from articles. Before joining EMBL-EBI, Jo spent 11 years at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), NIH in Bethesda, USA, where she was involved with several projects to make the biomedical literature available online and link it to public databases. Prior to this she was an editor for the journal Trends in Biochemical Sciences, published by Elsevier and based in Cambridge, England. Jo first trained as a biologist, and holds a PhD in plant cell biotechnology from Manchester Metropolitan University.
William Nixon – University of Glasgow
Integração de RIs nos workflows de e-ciência.
William Nixon is the Head of Digital Library Team at the University of Glasgow Library. He is also the Service Development Manager of Enlighten, the University of Glasgow’s institutional repository service ( He been working with repositories over the last decade and was the Project Manager (Service Development) for the JISC funded DAEDALUS Project that set up repositories at Glasgow using both EPrints and DSpace. William is now involved with the ongoing development of services for Enlighten and support for Open Access at Glasgow. Through JISC funded projects including Enrich and Enquire he has worked to embed the repository into University systems. This work includes links to the research system for funder data and the re-use of publications data in the University’s web pages. He was part of the University’s team which provided publications data for the UK’s Research Excellence Framework (REF) Bibliometrics Pilot. William is now involved in supporting the University of Glasgow’s submission to the REF2014 national research assessment exercise. Enlighten is a key component of this exercise, enabling staff to select and provide further details on their research outputs.