Federal Telework: Key Practices That Can Help Ensure the Success of Telework Programs

DocuTicker DocuBase Category: GAO 2020-11-20

Federal Telework: Key Practices That Can Help Ensure the Success of Telework Programs, GAO-21-238T: Published: Nov 18, 2020. Publicly Released: Nov 18, 2020. During the COVID-19 pandemic, federal agencies have used telework as a strategy to help them continue their work in trying circumstances. We assembled our past work on federal telework to provide information that can help agencies improve their telework programs. [h/t Pete Weiss]

We testified on key practices in 7 categories, including:

  • Performance management. For example, agencies should ensure that teleworkers and non-teleworkers are held to the same performance standards.
  • Training. For example, training helps keep workers and managers on the same page.
  • Technology. For example, addressing access and security issues help telework run smoothly…”