SpaceX’s Dragon launch, with ongoing updates

Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2013-03-01

At a bit after 10am Eastern time this morning, Elon Musk's commercial launch company SpaceX will attempt to send its Dragon capsule on a second resupply mission to the International Space Station, following a successful test flight and one previous cargo mission. As of the last check, all systems are go. If all goes well, the mission will give SpaceX both a healthy paycheck from NASA and further validation of its Dragon hardware, which is being prepared for a human crew.

Any worries about the power supply limiting the range of Elon Musk's vehicle should be assuaged by the presence of two large solar panels on it.

UPDATE: The Dragon has successfully reached orbit after a countdown that went off without a hitch. Docking with the International Space Station is expected around 6am US Eastern tomorrow.

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