Apple hires former EPA head to handle environmental issues

Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2013-05-29

Lisa Jackson, who ran the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) during Obama's first term, is joining Apple to help the company with environmental compliance issues. Word of the hiring came from Tim Cook himself, who mentioned it while on stage during the All Things Digital conference yesterday.

Jackson previously served as head of New Jersey's state EPA before taking the helm of the national organization. Although her departure came amidst a controversy over use of a private e-mail account to handle official business, she will most likely be remembered as the person who finally obeyed a Supreme Court order and made an official endangerment finding regarding greenhouse gas emissions. The rule should eventually see emissions limits that will likely block the construction of any new coal plants that don't have a carbon capture mechanism.

The hiring comes as Apple is starting to produce hardware in the US for the first time in many years. In that context, Jackson's hiring could be a big help.

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