‘Green’ household cleaners and coronavirus: What you need to know
Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2020-08-13
Washington Post – “In recent years, some Americans concerned about the effects that harsh cleaners have on the environment and on the human body have switched to household products marketed as green, eco-friendly, nontoxic or natural. The concern is not unwarranted — the chemicals in some cleaning products can cause eye, skin or respiratory irritation — though it can be difficult for the average consumer to determine whether green alternatives are safe and effective. And when it comes to killing the novel coronavirus, green products might not be enough. The Environmental Protection Agency released a searchable database (List N) of products proven to be effective against the coronavirus that contains few green cleaners. This doesn’t mean you have to toss your natural products, but you do have to be judicious about where and when you use them. Here’s what you need to know…”