Textbook publishers ignoring Texas school board’s inane interventions

Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2013-10-23

Textbook publishers have largely ignored the suggestions made by reviewers appointed by the Texas State School Board. Various members of the board have been attempting to undercut the teaching of evolution when formulating new science standards. After a tough fight that resulted some confusing requirements, textbook makers were given the chance to implement the new standards. Naturally, when it came time to review the texts, the school board appointed a handful of creationists to the review group.

Just as naturally, those individuals requested that "'creation science' based on biblical principles should be incorporated into every biology book that is considered for adoption," and complained about how evolution was presented. The textbooks were supposed to be revised to reflect these complaints. Now, the publishers have submitted the texts they were supposed to have revised in light of these complaints. And, the good news is that the texts seem fine.

The Texas Freedom Network, which follows (among other things) science education in the state, has had a chance to look over the proposed revisions, and it hasn't found anything objectionable at first glance. Obviously, since teaching creation science is unconstitutional, it didn't make the revised versions. But many of the other complaints about the presentation of evolution were ignored, too. A biologist contacted by the organization agreed with its assessment—the texts seem scientifically sound.

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