Ask Ars about the new IPCC report

Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2013-10-29

We’ve started digging into the contents of the fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report now that a final draft of the 2,000+ page physical science section has been released. There’s more on the way, but we’d like to find out what our readers are most curious about. Do you have a question regarding what’s in the report? Maybe you’ve always wondered about some detail of the climate or its future. Maybe you're still a little hazy on how the report is written. Maybe you made an IPCC bet with your co-worker and need someone to adjudicate the winner.

Whatever your reason, we'd like to answer the questions you feel are most significant, whether they're about the climate itself or what the IPCC has to say about it. Please post your questions in the comments and vote on everyone else's questions. We'll look over the ones that have the most positive votes and try to answer as many of those as we can.

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