Public Trust in CDC, FDA, and Fauci Holds Steady, Survey Shows

Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2021-07-22

“With more than two-thirds of American adults vaccinated with at least one dose of an authorized Covid-19 vaccine, the top U.S. health agencies retain the trust of the vast majority of the American public, as does Dr. Anthony Fauci, the public face of U.S. efforts to combat the virus, according to a new survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) of the University of Pennsylvania…The survey revealed growing public confidence in both the safety and effectiveness of vaccines to prevent Covid-19. But after months of attacks on Fauci in conservative and social media, the survey found that people who said they rely on conservative and very conservative media rather than other sources were more likely to have less confidence in Fauci’s trustworthiness on Covid-19 and more likely to accept misinformation about him and misinformation and conspiracy theories about the authorized Covid-19 vaccines and the novel coronavirus. The survey also found that a growing number of Americans – more than 1 in 3 – believes that the coronavirus was created by the Chinese government as a biological weapon…”