Everyone agrees with us on climate change—especially when we're wrong

Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2012-11-12

By just about every measure, the vast majority of scientists in general—and climate scientists in particular—have been convinced by the evidence that human activities are altering the climate. However, in several countries, a significant portion of the public has concluded that this consensus doesn't exist. That has prompted a variety of studies aimed at understanding the large disconnect between scientists and the public, with results pointing the finger at everything from the economy to the weather. Other studies have noted societal influences on acceptance, including ideology and cultural identity.

Those studies have generally focused on the US population, but the public acceptance of climate change is fairly similar in Australia. There, a new study has looked at how societal tendencies can play a role in maintaining mistaken beliefs. The authors of the study have found evidence that two well-known behaviors—the "false consensus" and "pluralistic ignorance"—are helping to shape public opinion in Australia.

False consensus is the tendency of people to think that everyone else shares their opinions. This can arise from the fact that we tend to socialize with people who share our opinions, but the authors note that the effect is even stronger "when we hold opinions or beliefs that are unpopular, unpalatable, or that we are uncertain about." In other words, our social habits tend to reinforce the belief that we're part of a majority, and we have a tendency to cling to the sense that we're not alone in our beliefs.

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