NPR's Science Friday goes after creationist mimic
Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2012-11-19
Earlier this month the people behind NPR's Science Friday radio show took some time to have a Legal Friday. On that day, they filed a suit against a minister/broadcaster named Bob Enyart for calling his Colorado-based radio program "Real Science Friday."
NPR's Science Friday is a multimedia machine with radio broadcasts on NPR, podcasts, online content, and more. It's backed by the Science Friday Initiative, which performs additional outreach intended to help give the public access to the latest in science.
Enyart's program also has all of the above (the radio program, the podcasts, the YouTube videos). But it lacks the backing of a foundation—and the science part. His "Real Science Friday" website (Tagline: "Don't Be Fooled by NPR's parody titled Science Friday ;)") contains a variety of standard creationist material, much of it attacking evolution, but some of it arguing for a Universe that's only a few thousand years old as well.
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