Buy Bigfoot's gravesite for $270,000
Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2013-01-12

Bigfoot's grave lies an hour outside of Portland—and you can own it for $270,000.
I know what you're thinking: "Bigfoot is dead? But some researcher from Texas has just sequenced his DNA." It caught me by surprise, too, but apparently Bigfoot was another casualty of the famous Mount St. Helens volcano blast back in 1980. A mud slide caused by the explosion buried part of an A-frame house near Toutle, Washington, where the property's owners later erected a "Survivors' Gift Shop" and offered tours of the home's now-below-grade first floor.
Also, they built a gigantic Bigfoot statue. That's because, according to various unspecified local "accounts," Bigfoot—the original, "real" Bigfoot—might have been buried by the mud covering the area, too. But the property owners made one key mistake when erecting their statue. As Roadside America explains:
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