Open defecation solves the child mortality puzzle among Indian Muslims
Ars Technica » Scientific Method 2014-06-04
In India, Hindus are, on average, richer and more educated than Muslims. But oddly, Hindus' child mortality rate is much higher. All observable factors say Hindus should fare better, but they don't. Economists refer to this as the Muslim mortality puzzle.
In a new study, researchers believe that they may have found a solution to the puzzle. And, surprisingly, the solution lies in a single factor referred to as "a particular sanitation externality"—open defecation.
Asian enigma
As far back as 1925, when India was still a British colony with a population of 280 million, Mahatma Gandhi said, "Sanitation is more important than independence." Although his concern then was less to do with public health and more to do with human dignity, heeding his words would have improved—and in many cases saved—the lives of millions who were yet to be born.