Emergency Management Institute Course: EO581 Emergency Operations for Tribal Governments
Emergency Preparedness & Response 2013-03-30
Course: EO581 Emergency Operations for Tribal Governments National Emergency Training Center Emmitsburg, MD 21727 April 22-25, 2013
"This 4-day course provides tribal emergency management/response personnel, tribal government employees, and tribal leaders with a deeper understanding of emergency operations. Special emphasis is placed on the implementation of an integrated emergency management and operations program as outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), key operational activities, resource management, and personnel roles using Incident Command System (ICS) principles." The goal of his course is to provide "tribal emergency management/response personnel, tribal government employees, and tribal leaders with a deeper understanding of emergency operations. Special emphasis is placed on the implementation of an integrated emergency management and operations program as outlined in the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), key operational activities, resource management, and personnel roles using Incident Command System (ICS) principles."
For more information on this course, click here.