Emergency Management Institute Course: EO276 Benefit-Cost Analysis: Entry Level Training
Emergency Preparedness & Response 2013-03-30
Course: EO276 Benefit-Cost Analysis: Entry-Level Training National Emergency Training Center Emmitsburg, MD 21727 September 23-25, 2013
"This course is designed as an introduction to the fundamental concepts of benefit-cost analysis (BCA). Cost - effectiveness is a key criterion for determining whether or not a hazard mitigation project is eligible for funding. To assist in assessing cost - effectiveness, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed software modules and guidance for conducting BCA of proposed projects. This course applies to and is valid for all FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant programs: [1] Flood Mitigation Assistance [2] Hazard Mitigation Grant Program [3] Pre-Disaster Mitigation [4] Repetitive Flood Claims [5] Supplemental Mitigation Grants [6] Severe Repetitive Loss Program […] The target audience for this course is Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster Reservists, Cadre of On-Call Response Employees (COREs) and FEMA Permanent Full-Time Employees (PFTs) whose work assignments require disaster-resistant building science knowledge. State, Tribal hazard mitigation staff and other personnel involved in conducting BC analyses may also apply"
For more information on this course, click here.