FEMA Course: E0317 Comprehensive Data Management, June 3-6, 2013
Emergency Preparedness & Response 2013-05-08
Start: 06/03/2013
End: 06/06/2013
Timezone: US/Eastern
Start: 06/03/2013
End: 06/06/2013
Timezone: US/Eastern
FEMA Course: E0317 Comprehensive Data Management June 3-6, 2013 Emergency Management Institute (EMI) National Emergency Training Center (NETC) Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
"This course focuses on the Hazards United States-Multi-hazard (Hazus-MH) inventory. It includes an in - depth discussion of the methodologies that were used to develop and compile the Hazus-MH provided inventory and will also identify the issues associated with using that inventory for various other purposes."
For more information on this course, click here.