Maritime Security 2013 West Conference

Emergency Preparedness & Response 2013-07-03


Start: 08/19/2013 10:00
End: 08/21/2013 17:15
Timezone: US/Pacific
Start: 08/19/2013 10:00
End: 08/21/2013 17:15
Timezone: US/Pacific

Maritime Security 2013 West Conference August 19th - 21st, 2013 Hilton Long Beach & Executive Meeting Center 701 West Ocean Boulevard Long Beach, California

"Maritime Security 2013 West will bring together public and private stakeholders from all levels to discuss, learn and collaborate on strategies and technology use in mitigating security threats posed to the maritime domain.

The panel sessions and presentations are designed to give all participants the actionable knowledge on how to better secure their maritime areas of responsibility by highlighting available resources and best practices. Each topic will be comprehensively addressed with the critical perspectives of those who have implemented successful strategies and cutting-edge technologies in their maritime security operations.

Maritime Security 2013 West will also host an exhibition of 30 companies that have highly relevant solutions and past performances in securing the maritime domain."

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Date tagged:

07/03/2013, 21:50

Date published:

07/03/2013, 16:01