HHS - "California Should Improve Its Oversight of Selected Nursing Homes' Compliance With Federal Requirements for Life Safety and Emergency Preparedness"

Emergency Preparedness & Response 2019-11-14


Title: California Should Improve Its Oversight of Selected Nursing Homes' Compliance With Federal Requirements for Life Safety and Emergency Preparedness Source: HHS Data/Action: OIG Office of Audit Services Reports and Publications Date: 11/13/2019 Text Preview: ...system and the potential risk of environmental threats, such as wildfire, earthquake, and extreme heat, taking into account the nursing homes' locations.8 ... ... one nursing home's plan did not address transferring residents during disasters, and eight nursing homes' plans did not address their role under a waiver... ...system and the potential risk of environmental threats, such as wildfire, earthquake, and extreme heat, taking into account the nursing homes' locations. ...



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Date tagged:

11/14/2019, 17:51

Date published:

11/13/2019, 03:00