HHS - "The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Generally Had Controls and Strategies for Mitigating Disaster Preparedness and Response Risks"

Emergency Preparedness & Response 2021-05-07


Title: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Generally Had Controls and Strategies for Mitigating Disaster Preparedness and Response Risks Source: HHS Data/Action: OIG Office of Audit Services Reports and Publications Date: 5/5/2021 Text Preview: ...GENERALLY HAD CONTROLS AND STRATEGIES FOR MITIGATING DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE RISKS Inquiries about this report may be addressed to the Office... ...disasters that occurred in calendar years 2018 and 2019, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) coordinated with partners across the Federal Government to provide emergency public health and medical services and health and social services recovery support to assist affected communities. The Additional Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster... ...disasters. Our objectives were to identify SAMHSA's risks for preparing for and responding to hurricanes and other natural disasters and to determine whether SAMHSA had designed and implemented controls and strategies to mitigate those risks. How OIG Did This Audit We interviewed SAMHSA management, reviewed documents, and analyzed the information provided by SAMHSA to describe its current disaster preparedness and response processes. Based on this review, we identified four disaster...



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Date tagged:

05/07/2021, 17:29

Date published:

05/05/2021, 04:00