All Hazards Response

Emergency Preparedness & Response 2012-11-06


Start: 04/16/2013
End: 04/17/2013
Timezone: Europe/Dublin
Start: 04/16/2013
End: 04/17/2013
Timezone: Europe/Dublin

"Dealing with complex catastrophes: Taking specialist skills into disasters - developing, training and qualifying response. International participants from such fields as CBRNE, Hazmat, disaster medicine and emergency management, will gather for a two day conference and exhibition to understand how they can broaden their skills and knowledge into other fields. With four one-hour long training vignettes, 'All Hazard Response' will provide a hands on, learning experience." The conference will be held in Dublin, Ireland.

Please click here for more information.

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events & conferences emergency preparedness & response



Date tagged:

11/06/2012, 12:58

Date published:

11/06/2012, 12:00