Cyber Security Emerging Trends and Threats for 2013

Emergency Preparedness & Response 2013-01-18


Start: 02/06/2013 14:00
End: 02/06/2013 15:00
Timezone: US/Eastern
Start: 02/06/2013 14:00
End: 02/06/2013 15:00
Timezone: US/Eastern

Cyber Security Emerging Trends and Threats for 2013 February 6, 2013 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST Webcast

"In this presentation we will examine the changing cyber threat landscape and what we expect to see during 2013. Discussion will include how threats are transferring to new platforms, the evolution of some of the most prevalent attacks (including the increasing sophistication of threats to Android), the progression of direct cost threats from Fake Antivirus to Ransomware and the evolution of exploit kits. This session featured an interactive Powerpoint presentation accompanied by audio."

For more information on how to access this webcast, please click here.


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technology emergency preparedness & response online/interactive sites threat analysis lectures cyberterrorism



Date tagged:

01/18/2013, 17:00

Date published:

01/18/2013, 13:41