A poultry farm in Chad (courtesy of FAO/Sia Kambou) A recent FAO...

UN Pulse from U.N. Dag Hammarskjöld Library 2013-12-19


A poultry farm in Chad (courtesy of FAO/Sia Kambou)

A recent FAO study - World Livestock 2013: Changing Disease Landscapes - focuses on how changes in the way humans raise and trade animals has affected how diseases emerge and spread. Seventy percent of the new diseases that have emerged in humans over recent decades are of animal origin and, in part, directly related to the human quest for more animal-sourced food.  The report argues that a more holistic approach to managing disease threats at the animal-human-environment interface is needed.

Read the full report: World Livestock 2013



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Berkeley Law Library -- Reference & Research Services » UN Pulse from U.N. Dag Hammarskjöld Library


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Date tagged:

12/19/2013, 02:00

Date published:

12/18/2013, 15:40