A Journey to Open Access – Part 4

Connotea: stevanharnad's bookmarks matching tag oa.new 2013-02-05


A Journey to Open Access – Part 4 Tony Hey on eScience ...A major problem with the Finch and RCUK endorsements of gold OA as the preferred route to open access—and their explicit deprecation of green OA—is that the proposed interim settlement is unreasonably generous to the publishers at the expense of the UK Research Councils and HEFC-funded UK universities. By giving publishers the choice of being paid for gold OA or offering an unpaid green OA option, it is clear that publishers will cancel their green option and opt to pick up more money by introducing a gold option. Their shareholders would demand no less. Even the majority of OA publishers who currently charge no APC fee—contrary to the assumptions of the Finch Group—will be motivated to pick up the money on the table. Similarly, publishers who now only offer Toll Access via subscriptions will be quite happy to pick up more money by offering a gold OA option in addition to their subscription charges.... ...What should RCUK do now? In my opinion, RCUK could make a very small but significant change in its open access policy and adopt a rights-retention green OA mandate that requires ‘RCUK-funded authors to retain certain non-exclusive rights and use them to authorize green OA’. In the words of Peter Suber, this would ‘create a standing green option regardless of what publishers decide to offer on their own.’ In addition, RCUK should recommend that universities follow the Open Access Policy Guidelines of Harvard, set out by their Office of Scholarly Communication. Under this policy, Harvard authors are required to deposit a full text version of their paper in DASH, the Harvard Open Access Repository even in the case where the publisher does not permit open access and the author has been unable to obtain a waiver from the publisher...



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Date tagged:

02/05/2013, 07:52

Date published:

02/05/2013, 00:23