Open access and submissions to the REF post-2014
Connotea: stevanharnad's bookmarks matching tag 2013-02-25
1. To support and encourage the further implementation of open access we intend to introduce a requirement that all outputs submitted to the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) exercise are published on an open-access basis... We propose to treat as ‘open access’ publications those which meet all of the following criteria:
deposited in the author's own institutional repository (see paragraph 13) immediately upon publication, although the repository may provide access in a way that respects agreed embargos (see paragraph 15)
made available as the final peer reviewed text, though not necessarily identical to the publisher’s edited and formatted version; and
presented in a form allowing the reader to search for and re-use content (including by download and for text-mining) both manually and using automated tools, provided such re-use is subject to proper attribution under appropriate licensing (see paragraph 16)…
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