Green Road First

Connotea: stevanharnad's bookmarks matching tag 2012-12-10


The ULg actively supports the Green Road for Open Access, on an institutional level of course with ORBi, but also on a Belgian and European level. The Green Road allows scientists and academics to publish where they wish whilst rendering their publications available to all via open repositories or archives. Why this commitment to the Green Road? It enables a better visibility for the research centers, and researchers above all, of francophone research. It is the only one which is financially viable for institutions over the long term. It is the fairest model to favor a widespread dissemination of academic and scientific publications, without a gulf being established between the different areas of research, laboratories and universities. It allows universities and other institutions which are setting up depositing systems to develop tools and services with high value added around them, as well as new indicators to measure the impact their researchers have. Because of this model researchers and institutions have the possibility of preserving the publications which stem from their research in a perennial manner. Thanks to the Green Road researchers can themselves be active in the dissemination of their publications.


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Tags: université de liège oa.orbi oa.repositories



Date tagged:

12/10/2012, 22:20

Date published:

12/10/2012, 10:54