International Society for Disease Surveillance Annual Conference

Homeland Security Digital Library Blog - Events Feed 2012-11-15


Start: 12/04/2012 - 10:47
End: 12/05/2012 - 10:47

International Society for Disease Surveillance Annual Conference Tuesday, December 4, 2012 to Wednesday, December 5, 2012 San Diego, CA

"Conference covers components, policies, methods, practices, infrastructure, research and evaluation related to timely surveillance of communicable diseases, chronic diseases and injuries. This includes notifiable conditions, adverse events and emerging/novel threats; biological, chemical, and radiological health threats; plant, animal, and food surveillance; and environmental monitoring. Designed for professionals from a broad range of disciplines - epidemiology and computer science to mathematical modeling and health policy - to learn about achievements, methodologies, best practices, conceptual frameworks, and technical innovations."

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public health

Date tagged:

11/15/2012, 16:06

Date published:

08/20/2012, 13:48