City of Los Angeles will promote widespread adoption of “cool roof” technology, citing benefits documented in Emmett Center report

Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy 2013-03-14


One of the core goals of our environmental law programs at UCLA Law is to influence and inform public policy with our research.  I’m proud to say that our Emmett Center on Climate Change and the Environment is doing exactly that.  The City of Los Angeles, influenced by the Emmett Center’s work, is moving forward [...]


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Berkeley Law Library -- Reference & Research Services » Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy


california los angeles antonio villaraigosa ghg emissions green living climate adaptation anthony pritzker building codes cara horowitz city of los angeles climate resolve cool roofs emmett center pritzker briefs ucla school of law urban heat islands


Sean Hecht

Date tagged:

03/14/2013, 02:30

Date published:

03/13/2013, 15:00