Where and how to charge an electric car for free

Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy 2023-02-10

MarketWatch: “Buying an electric car opens an entirely new world of driving — like never needing to pay for a single drop of gasoline. Yet just because you bought an electric car or truck doesn’t mean you need to waste time and money when it’s time to charge. See: How much does it cost to charge an electric car? We do the math. Juicing up the battery of an EV costs less than filling a gas tank. But when you do a bit of research and planning, you can potentially find a handful of free electric vehicle charging stations. According to the United States Department of Energy, 80% of electric car charging happens at home. But what about those times when you need a charge while on the road trip or if you didn’t access a charging station before jumping behind the wheel? Here’s how to get free charging in a wide range of driving scenarios…”