New Symposium on Disaster Law
Legal Planet: Environmental Law and Policy 2013-01-11
The Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum has just published a great symposium on disaster law. The authors include some leading lights in environmental law, and for good reason, since disaster issues and environmental law are closely related. Here are links to all of the individual articles:
Introduction: Legal Scholarship, the Disaster Cycle, and the Fukushima AccidentDaniel A. Farber1Disaster Justice: The Geography of Human CapabilityRobert R.M. Verchick23Disaster Mythology and Availability CascadesLisa Grow Sun73The End Game of Deregulation: Myopic Risk Management and The Next CatastropheThomas O. McGarity & Rena I. Steinzor93United States Flood Control Policy: The Incomplete Transition From the Illusion of Total Protection to Risk ManagementA. Dan Tarlock151Insurance Against Catastrophe: Government Stimulation of Insurance Markets for Catastrophic EventsVéronique Bruggeman, Michael Faure & Tobias Heldt18![](