A Post-Neoliberal Regulatory Analysis for a Post-Neoliberal World

Center for Progressive Reform 2021-10-14


Over the last 40 years, the U.S. regulatory system has played an increasingly influential role in redefining our political and economic relationships in fundamentally neoliberal terms. A key but often overlooked institutional force behind this development is the peculiar form of cost-benefit analysis that now predominates in regulatory practice. Building a new regulatory system befitting our vision of a post-neoliberal America requires a formal rejection of prevailing cost-benefit analysis in favor of a radically different approach -- one that invites public participation, permits open and fair contestation of competing values at the heart of policy debates, and recognizes and honors our social interdependencies.



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James Goodwin

Date tagged:

10/14/2021, 11:33

Date published:

10/14/2021, 08:16