Slate Op-Ed: Supreme Court Climate Skeptics Will Help Decide the Fate of the Planet

Center for Progressive Reform 2022-03-04


Last fall, on the same day that the parties to the Paris Agreement gathered in Glasgow for their first day of their annual international climate meeting, the U.S. Supreme Court announced it would review an appellate court decision about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's authority to regulate greenhouse gases from fossil fuel power plants under the Clean Air Act. Fast forward half a year: On February 28, the day that the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change issued its sobering report on climate adaptation and harms to human and planetary well-being, the court heard oral arguments in the case -- West Virginia v. EPA. Once again, it was a split-screen reality.


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Karen Sokol

Date tagged:

03/04/2022, 08:01

Date published:

03/04/2022, 07:57