Bills & Legislation - "To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require issuers to disclose certain activities relating to climate change, and for other purposes."
EPA - Knowledge Mosaic RSS 2019-07-12
Title: To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require issuers to disclose certain activities relating to climate change, and for other purposes. Source: Bills & Legislation Data/Action: Introduced in House Date: 7/5/2019 Text Preview: ...principals” means— (A) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; (B) the Secretary of Energy; (C) the Administrator of the National... ...anthropogenically-emitted gas or particulate that the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency determines, after notice and comment, to contribute to... ...principals’ means— “(i) the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency; “(ii) the Secretary of Energy; “(iii) the Administrator...