Federal Register - "National Environmental Education Advisory Council"

EPA - Knowledge Mosaic RSS 2013-01-09


Title: National Environmental Education Advisory Council Source: Federal Register Data/Action: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (Notice) Date: 1/9/2013 Text Preview: AGENCY [FRL-9769-2] National Environmental Education Advisory Council AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice of meeting. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY: Under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, EPA gives notice of a teleconference meeting of the National Environmental Education Advisory Council (NEEAC). The NEEAC was created by Congress to advise, consult with, and make recommendations to the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on matters related to activities, functions and policies of EPA under [Federal Register Volume 78, Number 6 (Wednesday, January 9, 2013)] [Notices] [Page 1858] From the Federal Register Online via the Government Printing Office [ www.gpo.gov ] [FR Doc No: 2013-00259] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION



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Date tagged:

01/09/2013, 10:46

Date published:

01/09/2013, 03:00