Arkansas AG Says Exxon Pipeline Gash Is 22 Feet Long

InsideClimate News 2013-04-11


(Associated Press)

An ExxonMobil pipeline that ruptured last month and spilled as much as 420,000 gallons of oil in central Arkansas has a gash in it that is 22 feet long and 2 inches wide, state Attorney General Dustin McDaniel said Wednesday.

"The pipeline rupture is substantially larger than many of us initially thought," McDaniel told reporters Wednesday evening.

McDaniel's update on the March 29 oil spill in Mayflower, about 25 miles northwest of Little Rock, comes as lawyers and investigators review more than 12,500 pages of documents his office received from ExxonMobil.


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David Sassoon

Date tagged:

04/11/2013, 04:20

Date published:

04/10/2013, 23:22