Opinion: Why Obama’s ‘Clean Power’ Plan May Prove Counterproductive for 2015 Global Climate Agreement

Google Alerts - "climate change" disaster "greenhouse gas" 2014-06-16


Obama's New Proposed Regulations On Coal Energy Production Met With Ire Through Kentucky's Coal Country

The US EPA recently unveiled its Clean Power Plan. This time it proposes carbon pollution emission guidelines for existing stationary sources; namely, electric utility generating units (EGUs). Owners or operators of fossil fuel-fired EGUs will be subject to carbon emission limits if the rule is implemented as currently proposed. It appears this plan constitutes the centerpiece of

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Berkeley Law Library -- Reference & Research Services » Breaking Energy


coal regulation comment emissions reductions epa carbon rule fossil fuels ghg emissions greenhouse gas emissions methane emissions power generation renewables


Roman Kilisek

Date tagged:

06/16/2014, 15:10

Date published:

06/16/2014, 15:00