REGULATION: FERC Commissioner Honorable discusses plans for maintaining reliability under Clean Power Plan

Google Alerts - "climate change" disaster "greenhouse gas" 2015-09-09


Does U.S. EPA's final Clean Power Plan provide a balanced framework for all state public utility commissions to ensure reliability and maintain rates? During today's OnPoint, Colette Honorable, commissioner on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, discusses her expectations for how FERC, EPA and the Department of Energy will work together to ensure reliability under the plan. She also talks about the commission's ramp-up in transmission siting decisions and the impact the power plan will have on the pacing of siting. Today's OnPoint will air on E&ETV at 10 a.m. EDT.


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Date tagged:

09/09/2015, 09:02

Date published:

09/09/2015, 07:36