Self-Perpetuating Misinformation About Open Access Self-Archiving

Amsciforum 2013-03-10


(1) Publishing an article in an OA journal is one thing ("Gold OA"). Publishing an article in a subscription journal and making it OA by self-archiving it in an OA institutional repository is another ("Green OA"). Conflating the two is sowing confusion. Depositing a refereed, published paper in an institutional repository is not an alternative form of "publication"; it is a way of providing OA to refereed, published articles. (2) To talk about institutions and institutional repositories needing to "referee" already-refereed journal articles is therefore to build non-sequiturs upon non-sequiturs. (3) A journal is as good as its peer-review standards, no better, no worse, and this has nothing whatsoever to do with its cost-recovery model -- subscription or OA. It depends purely on its quality-control standards. (Since a track-record for quality-control standards must be established across time, older journals will -- rightly -- be trusted sooner than new ones; this too has nothing to do with OA.)


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Date tagged:

03/10/2013, 12:42

Date published:

12/27/2010, 12:36