Input feed: Amsciforum
There are currently 981 tags in use in this hub.
There are currently 15599 tags prefixed with oa. in use in this hub.
There are currently 51 tags prefixed with os. in use in this hub.
There are currently 44 tags prefixed with a. in use in this hub.
There are currently 37 tags prefixed with ps. in use in this hub.
There are currently 35 tags prefixed with pa. in use in this hub.
There are currently 31 tags prefixed with o. in use in this hub.
There are currently 22 tags prefixed with ao. in use in this hub.
There are currently 15 tags prefixed with ru. in use in this hub.
There are currently 14 tags prefixed with . in use in this hub.
There are currently 10 tags prefixed with u. in use in this hub.
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- oa.americansocietyofcriminology 999
- 826
- oa.repositories 727
- oa.policies 571
- 488
- oa.mandates 486
- oa.journals 259
- 207
- 181
- oa.rcuk 107
- oa.finch_report 92
- institutional mandates 78
- 74
- oa.humanities 73
- oa.comment 68
- self-archiving 64
- oa.philosophy 63
- oa.impact 63
- mind-body.problem 59
- feeling-function.problem 57
- oa.roarmap 56
- oa.metrics 49
- consciousness 49
- oa.citations 49
- oa.funders 49
- oa.costs 48
- oa.copyright 45
- oa.business_models 42
- oa.hefce 42
- feeling 40
- scientometrics 40
- oa.publishers 40
- oa.embargoes 39
- oa.libre 35
- oa.advantage 33
- stevan harnad 32
- oa.recommendations 32
- oa.fees 32
- oa.peer_review 31
- oa.elsevier 30
- oa.harvard.u 30
- oa.publishing 29
- oa.hybrid 28
- oa.universities 27
- oa.hei 26
- 26
- explanation 26
- oa.eprints 25
- impact 25
- oa.ref 24
- oa.government 24
- turing.test 23
- oa.assessment 22
- alma swan 22
- funder mandates 21
- oa.books 21
- 20
- oa.roar 20
- oa.definitions 19
- ru.sparc 19
- oa.cope 19
- oa.publishing 19
- oa.ostp 18
- 18
- oa.frpaa 18
- oa.repositories.disciplinary 17
- descartes 17
- 15
- oa.people 15
- oa.licensing 15
- oa.economics_of 14
- stuart shieber 14
- oa.ssh 14
- oa.libraries 14
- methodology 14
- oa.scoap3 14
- functionalism 13
- oa.librarians 13
- oa.europe 13
- oa.interviews 13
- oa.canada 12
- cogito 12
- oa.presentations 12
- oa.deposits 12
- meaning 12
- oa.hungary 12
- oa.misunderstandings 12
- oa.metadata 12
- richard poynder 12
- oa.prices 11
- evolution 11
- category.learning 11
- oa.belgium 11
- oa.arxiv 11
- symbol.grounding 11
- oa.germany 11
- 11
- ru.sparc15 11
- oa.versions 11
- university of north texas 10
- bibliometrics 10
- categories 10
- president obama 10
- 10
- email eprint requests 10
- 10
- peer.commentary 9
- oa.oa_week 9
- oa.studies 9
- oa.nih 9
- functing 9
- oa.boai 9
- oa.heidelberg-appeal 9
- oa.compliance 9
- subversive.proposal 9
- bernard rentier 8
- data-archiving 8
- oa.advocacy 8
- oa.south 8
- idoa 8
- telekinetic.dualism 8
- oa.heidelbergerappel 8
- oa.pmc 8
- oa.wellcome 8
- language 8
- royal society 8
- université de liège 8
- free will 8
- oa.netherlands 8
- john houghton 8
- oa.colleges 8
- rae 8
- oa.funds 8
- economics 7
- causality 7
- 7
- deposit mandates 7
- mit 7
- eos 7
- oa.reports 7
- oa.debates 7
- research.funding 7
- meta-analysis 7
- philpapers 7
- darwin 7
- oa.grey 7
- oa.history_of 7
- language.evolution 7
- other-minds problem 7
- pre-emptive payment 7
- uncomplemented.categories 7
- locus of deposit 7
- oa.budgets 6
- peter suber 6
- 6
- harvesting 6
- oa.growth 6
- oa.encouragement 6
- democracy 6
- publish or perish 6
- oa.usa 6
- oa.open_science 6
- google.books 6
- oa.creative_commons 6
- phil davis 6
- depot 5
- thomas.nagel 5
- jisc 5
- self-selection 5
- publishing lobby 5
- oa.france 5
- oa.french 5
- australia 5
- oa.physics 5
- oa.quality 5
- 5
- goal 5
- houghton report 5
- springer 5
- oa.best_practices 5
- 5
- oa.sustainability 5
- romeo 5
- cornell 5
- self-archiving mandates 5
- dictionaries 5
- fred friend 5
- copy request button 5
- oa.japan 5
- oa.societies 5
- research accessibility 5
- oa.rights-retention 5
- 5
- sword protocol 5
- wittgenstein 4
- amsci 4
- oa.benefits 4
- universal.grammar 4
- zombies 4
- gold fever 4
- arthur sale 4
- oa.milestones 4
- 4
- oa.australia 4
- brain.function 4
- oa.chorus 4
- denmark 4
- bis 4
- theses 4
- performance review 4
- turing 4
- oa.humor 4
- oa.jisc 4
- china 4
- language learning 4
- research management 4
- oa.preservation 4
- web science 4
- oasis 4
- other-minds 4
- orbi 4
- university of southampton 4
- science magazine 4
- webometrics 4
- queensland university of technology 4
- oa.arc 4
- arts 4
- oa.profits 4
- oa.petitions 4
- oa.india 4
- graph theory 4
- gold rush 4
- jerry fodor 4
- oa.etds 4
- times higher education 4
- ranking 4
- philip m davis 4
- referee payment 4
- john willinsky 4
- download advantage 4
- institutional 3
- nature 3
- mandate.compliance 3
- oa.preprints 3
- nas 3
- oa.wikipedia 3
- problem 3
- oa.cancellations 3
- oa.incentives 3
- public library of science 3
- google 3
- oa.grc 3
- e-democracy 3
- publisher lobby 3
- cognitive science 3
- academic freedom 3
- biomed central 3
- oa.surveys 3
- sherpa 3
- eu oa petition 3
- oa.announcements 3
- category.commons 3
- finland 3
- unesco 3
- lexicalization 3
- green 3
- subscription 3
- jan velterop 3
- peer review 3
- of 3
- version of record 3
- robots 3
- thomas nagel 3
- oa.d-lib 3
- oa.books 3
- oa.rankings 3
- quebec 3
- oa.floss 3
- double-pay argument_ 3
- social sciences 3
- oa.horizon2020 3
- oa.article 3
- deposit locus 3
- boycotts 3
- oa.policies.universities 3
- 3
- ec 3
- postprints 3
- lexicon 3
- oa.ethics 3
- scepticism 3
- oa.usage 3
- concordia university 3
- 3
- u liege 3
- gene glass 3
- 3
- oa.nhmrc 3
- robert darnton 3
- oa.standards 3
- trojan horse 3
- cognition 3
- self-archiving faq 3
- 3
- 3
- aaas 3
- oa.harvesting 3
- morality 3
- sentitur 3
- postgutenberg 3
- epiphenomenalism 2
- cultural heritage 2
- intensionality 2
- oa.mining 2
- oa.fair_use 2
- enabling open scholarship 2
- open commentary 2
- argentina 2
- 2
- absolute 2
- propositions 2
- oa.stevan.harnad 2
- thes 2
- proxy deposit 2
- oa.heidelberg_appeal 2
- royal holloway 2
- vsnu 2
- skywriting 2
- oa.geen 2
- scotland 2
- dspace 2
- oa.disciplines 2
- spam 2
- eu 2
- oa.commentary 2
- distributed archiving 2
- scholarly.skywriting 2
- certainty 2
- oa.plos 2
- robert kiley 2
- membership 2
- oa.obstacles 2
- developing world 2
- richard dawkins 2
- publishing reform 2
- oa.lobby 2
- thesis mandates 2
- oa.dspace 2
- oa.credibility 2
- italy 2
- office of science and technology policy 2
- oa.legislation 2
- david chalmers 2
- permission mandates 2
- creative commons 2
- oa.double_dipping 2
- categorical perception 2
- oa.italy 2
- harold varmus 2
- oa.brazil 2
- martin hall 2
- bepress 2
- surf 2
- u southampton 2
- oa.rwa 2
- oa.southampton.u 2
- oa.prestige 2
- 2
- interoperability 2
- cyberdemocracy 2
- open data 2
- helene bosc 2
- bis committee 2
- oa.obama_directive 2
- oa.mandates 2
- fodor 2
- wilfrid laurier university 2
- erasmus university 2
- university college london 2
- oa.hal 2
- joseph esposito 2
- oa.policies 2
- oa.repositories 2
- citeability 2
- cogprints 2
- thompson-reuters 2
- oa.latin_america 2
- idoa mandates 2
- academy 2
- rc 2
- oa.guides 2
- oa.cihr 2
- creativity 2
- edouard machery 2
- relative 2
- citebase 2
- quantum.paradox 2
- refereeing 2
- oa.bis 2
- melibea 2
- 2
- university of salford 2
- lewis.carroll 2
- edem10 2
- oa.u.southampton 2
- switzerland 2
- quote-commentary 2
- necessity 2
- united states 2
- oa.interoperability 2
- evans 2
- southampton 2
- nwo 2
- colombia 2
- metaphysics 2
- conflation 2
- sparc 2
- oa.poland 2
- université du québec à montréal 2
- concepts 2
- sitting pretty 2
- society for scholarly publishing 2
- symbol grounding 2
- cris 2
- open government 2
- jairo 2
- oa.conversions 2
- ian gibson 2
- commentary 2
- duke university 2
- chomsky 2
- big deal 2
- oa.migrations 2
- wendy wilkins 2
- journal affordability 2
- veganism 2
- knowledge 2
- oa.slides 2
- serials crisis 2
- oa.denmark 2
- natural kinds 2
- oa.students 2
- information today 2
- mind-reading 2
- oa.loophole 2
- dissertations 2
- eprint 2
- oa.peer_project 2
- andrew odlyzko 2
- unt 2
- oa.fastr 2
- 2
- ireland 2
- oxford university press 2
- les carr 2
- searle 2
- oa.cris 2
- haiku 2
- finch committee 2
- pdf 2
- fair dealing 2
- press freedom 2
- oa.signatures 2
- oa.research.accessibility 1
- liber 1
- oa.benefits 1
- columbia 1
- gratis 1
- icar 1
- sandy thatcher 1
- openaire 1
- american anthropological association 1
- kripke 1
- pharmaceutical marketing 1
- william moen 1
- oa.god 1
- oa.objections 1
- oa.luxembourg 1
- euthanasia 1
- edemocracy 1
- oa.publishing.lobby 1
- oa videos 1
- oa.southampton 1
- usenet 1
- belief 1
- council of europe 1
- melissa hagemann 1
- skewness 1
- oa.oasis 1
- pandemonium.model 1
- skinner 1
- oa.sherpa.romeo 1
- danny kingsley 1
- author.addendum 1
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- pep.oa 1
- oa.recommendations 1
- ssp 1
- oa.berlin_declaration 1
- optimizing oa mandates 1
- oa.funding 1
- hume 1
- key perspectives 1
- victoria university 1
- oa.u.california 1
- wendy hall 1
- 1
- depositmo 1
- u liege 1
- determinism 1
- oa.rluk 1
- trolls 1
- oa.bibliographies 1
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- oa.oa_button 1
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- oa.open_depot 1
- word frequency 1
- property 1
- eberhard hilf 1
- learned societies 1
- oa.attitudes 1
- unix 1
- oa.cerif 1
- uri 1
- 1
- behaviorism 1
- keystroke mandates 1
- almost-oa 1
- university of ghent 1
- oa.german 1
- matthiasspielkamp 1
- oa.open_depot 1
- open society 1
- eopenaire 1
- 1
- oa.springer 1
- john 1
- oa.argentina 1
- keith jeffery 1
- prisoner's dilemma 1
- moral relativism 1
- web of knowledge 1
- rcuk 1
- stevan hyman 1
- oa.paywalled 1
- uncertainty 1
- epistemology 1
- oa.policies.universisties 1
- oa.serials.crisis 1
- portugal 1
- chunking 1
- denominator fallacy 1
- leiden 1
- 1
- scholar 1
- matthias.hanauske 1
- preprints 1
- npg 1
- download statistics 1
- heidelberg appeal 1
- oa.misconduct 1
- oa.cas 1
- shannon nestor 1
- u.oregon 1
- bonobos 1
- u oxford 1
- oair 1
- mediate deposit 1
- adaruq 1
- peter singer 1
- hélène bosc 1
- early access advantage 1
- yassine gargouri 1
- oa.anthropology 1
- telekinesis 1
- nigel shadbolt 1
- oa.scipost 1
- robotics 1
- scopus 1
- helmholtz association 1
- oa.economic_impact 1
- 1
- university of geneva 1
- royal 1
- 1
- oa.real 1
- oa.qut 1
- 1
- oa.u.liege 1
- turing test 1
- heidelberger appel 1
- implicit.learning 1
- oa.simulation 1
- complexity 1
- jimmy wales 1
- 1
- rin 1
- dartmouth 1
- oa.cnrs 1
- cit 1
- open scholarship 1
- oa.scopus 1
- 1
- the scholarly kitchen 1
- computer science 1
- susan britton 1
- licenses 1
- george miller 1
- oa.infrastructure 1
- selectivity 1
- open university 1
- timing 1
- ieee 1
- krems 1
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- oa.mandates 1
- 1
- adr 1
- oa.rannis 1
- gerald beasley 1
- repository managers 1
- xml 1
- 1
- tim brody 1
- times literary supplement 1
- oa.access2research 1
- oa.finland 1
- oa.predatory 1
- sciences 1
- university of coventry 1
- ian russell 1
- herdc 1
- oa.monopoly 1
- university of louvain 1
- wave-packet.collapse 1
- author payment 1
- poland 1
- schrodinger's cat 1
- behavioral and brain sciences 1
- oa.notes 1
- oa.cfp 1
- cihr 1
- oa.methodology 1
- oa.politics 1
- sage 1
- university of bergen 1
- oa.retractions 1
- neuroscience 1
- prism 1
- cyberterrorism 1
- abstraction 1
- information theory 1
- and 1
- viktor orban 1
- agnes heller 1
- research works act 1
- rutgers 1
- oa.deliberations 1
- finchreport 1
- venice commission 1
- oa.journals oa.policies oa.repositories oa.button oa.compliance oa.growth oa.debates 1
- seglen effect 1
- oa.durham.u 1
- henk moed 1
- senator john cornyn 1
- bbb 1
- oa.licensing 1
- 1
- 1
- poynder 1
- e-biomed 1
- oa.iceland 1
- tom regan 1
- ned.block 1
- research quality 1
- oa.oaig 1
- oa.u.leicester 1
- oa.privacy 1
- poultry science 1
- pep.biblio 1
- ukcorr 1
- global open access list (goal 1
- discussion groups 1
- predication 1
- usda 1
- oa.inria 1
- oa.memberships 1
- university of california 1
- kent anderson 1
- oa.trove 1
- iatul 1
- web 3.0 1
- oa.policies.funders 1
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- patchwork.mandate 1
- oa.mtmt 1
- acm 1
- petitions 1
- oaspa 1
- oa.selfarchiving 1
- internet 1
- cnrs 1
- steve hitchcock 1
- eso 1
- uc 1
- "richard poynder" 1
- european commission 1
- oa.stuart.shieber 1
- closed access 1
- pnas 1
- blaise.pascal 1
- cdc 1
- sally morris 1
- swets 1
- steffen.bernius 1
- oa.citation 1
- oa.letters 1
- university of strathclyde 1
- oa.growth_rate 1
- berkeley 1
- google scholar 1
- 1
- simon frankel 1
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- uva 1
- oa.mandates 1
- oa.obituary 1
- intellectual 1
- pascal's wager 1
- oa.mandates oa.repositories 1
- bryn mawr college 1
- notability 1
- oa.conflation 1
- remixing 1
- oa.intro 1
- abuse 1
- oa.mathematics 1
- edem 2010 1
- brunel university 1
- erudit 1
- oa.scholarly.communication 1
- multimedia 1
- s 1
- oa.agriculture 1
- charleston advisor 1
- oa.lay 1
- scams 1
- neural imaging 1
- microsoft 1
- agnes heller_ 1
- oa.empirical 1
- intentionality 1
- web of science 1
- eurocris 1
- alpsp 1
- ulrichs 1
- oa.ogp 1
- embodiment 1
- oa.negative 1
- bucknell 1
- oa.self.archiving 1
- oa.google_scholar 1
- oa.speed 1
- ronald rudin 1
- university of northern texas 1
- opendoar 1
- wiley 1
- opendepot 1
- els 1
- university of virginia 1
- leo waaijers 1
- oc.comment 1
- university of hong kong 1
- steve lawrence 1
- artificial intelligence 1
- oa.publications 1
- percholate 1
- 1
- know-how 1
- planning 1
- msword 1
- water 1
- linked data 1
- oa.twitter 1
- oa.aap 1
- oa.unesco 1
- oa.u.tampere 1
- eroscris 1
- ucl 1
- u ottawa 1
- judgment 1
- europen commission 1
- internet evolution 1
- polish academy of sciences 1
- participatory democracy 1
- harnad 1
- oa.statement 1
- mental lexicon 1
- cliff lynch 1
- oa.history 1
- oa.u.luxembourg 1
- oa.crowd 1
- catalunya 1
- sti 1
- oa.strategies 1
- oa.esf 1
- animal welfare 1
- self 1
- monadic 1
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- oa.u.basel 1
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- oa.open_notebooks 1
- oa.alpsp 1
- klaus graf 1
- trinity college dublin 1
- request copy 1
- self-archiving.arc 1
- lars fischer 1
- hungarian 1
- cameron neylon 1
- perception 1
- universidad politécnica de madrid 1
- tim berners-lee 1
- michael geist 1
- truth 1
- nature publishing group 1
- oa.publishers_association 1
- oa.bundling 1
- roehampton university 1
- oa.disciplines 1
- h.r.3699 1
- university of reading 1
- austria 1
- savage-rumbaugh 1
- faculty of 1000 1
- chinese academy of sciences 1
- oa.terminology 1
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- nserc 1
- oa.frs-fns 1
- agnus dei 1
- oa.cref 1
- oa.nsfc 1
- oa.taylot&frances 1
- polyadic 1
- conference papers 1
- oa.transition 1
- oa.geo 1
- oa.escience 1
- oa.impact 1
- cybermetrics 1
- oa.publishers 1
- danube university 1
- subsidy 1
- university of michigan 1
- rcuk.ref 1
- senator joe lieberman 1
- sshrc 1
- princeton 1
- san jose state university 1
- context 1
- rolan reuss 1
- british medical journal 1
- oa.sherpa.romeo 1
- pollutants 1
- oa.canada.qc 1
- prototypes 1
- reimer 1
- oa.ucl 1
- oa.eos 1
- university of florida 1
- oa.h-index 1
- descriptions 1
- biorxiv 1
- probability 1
- pragmatics 1
- dualism 1
- london school of economics 1
- barbara kirsop 1
- lessig 1
- oa.journal.affordability 1
- acfas 1
- ref hefce 1
- cerif 1
- ann mroz 1
- telepathy 1
- university of sassari 1
- u leicester 1
- environmentalism 1
- oa.sparc 1
- correlation 1
- statistics 1
- oa.china 1
- oa.aaas 1
- south africa 1
- amherst college 1
- oa.libraries 1
- norway 1
- london 1
- spain 1
- oa.ssh 1
- oa.economics 1
- qut 1
- university of krems 1
- mark thorley 1
- hermeneutics 1
- oa.business_models 1
- epsrc 1
- objectivity 1
- tony hey 1
- euroscientist 1
- anosognosia 1
- wigner's friend 1
- bob campbell 1
- melamine 1
- biology 1
- association for computing machinery 1
- oa.studies 1
- oa.science_europe 1
- oa.spain 1
- mcgill university 1
- baby.formula 1
- jeffrey beall 1
- uqam 1
- richard 1
- oaéfrancais 1
- citeseerx 1
- electronic publising trust for development 1
- monographs 1
- luciano floridi 1
- oa.librarians 1
- edem 1
- synergies 1
- 1
- qualia 1
- semantic web 1
- oa.share 1
- global research council 1
- raym crow 1
- mashups 1
- 1
- university of leicester 1
- freedom of speech 1
- oa.jif 1
- berlin declaration 1
- zeno's paralysis 1
- selfridge 1
- chris armbruster 1
- oa.irs 1
- oa.oer 1
- school 1
- - 1
- roland.reuss 1
- laurent romary 1
- oa.archives 1
- oa.orbi 1
- teluq 1
- oa.almost 1
- knaw 1
- tom walker 1
- oa.brussels_declaration 1
- oa.mta 1
- zeno's paradox 1
- wordnet 1
- oa.concordia.u 1
- voluntary movement 1
- oa.pure 1
- oa.journals 1
- 1
- oa.boycotts 1
- oa.wikis 1
- sensorimotor.representations 1
- beliefs 1
- oa.ref2020 1
- university of westminster 1