AltOS 1.0.2 Released

Bits from the Basement 2013-03-15


Keith and I released version 1.0.2 of AltOS, the open source firmware and software system associated with our Altus Metrum hobby rocket avionics systems.

This release includes a fix for the defect in version 1.0.1 that prevented rebooting an altimeter from idle to pad mode over the radio link. This affects both TeleMetrum and TeleMini boards, and re-flashing the altimeter firmware is required to pick up this fix.

We also restored the pre-1.0 mode selection behavior for TeleMetrum at power on. This is also an altimeter firmware change, but does not affect TeleMini.


From feeds:

Gudgeon and gist ยป Bits from the Basement


tags/hamradio tags/rockets

Date tagged:

03/15/2013, 12:16

Date published:

09/29/2011, 12:29