Term Limited

Bits from the Basement 2016-01-25


I woke up this morning and realized that for the first time since 17 April 2001, I am no longer a member of the Debian Technical Committee.

My departure from the committee is a consequence of the Debian General Resolution "limiting the term of the technical committee members" that was passed amending the Debian Constitution nearly a year ago. As the two longest-serving members, both over the term limit, Steve Langasek and I completed our service yesterday.

In early March 2015, I stepped down from the role of chairman after serving in that role for the better part of a decade, to help ensure a smooth transition. Don Armstrong is now serving admirably in that role, I have the utmost respect for the remaining members of the TC, and the process of nominating replacements for the two now-vacant seats is already well underway.

So, for the Debian project as a whole, today is really a non-event... which is exactly as it should be! Debian has been a part of my life since 1994, and I sincerely hope to be able to remain involved for many years to come!



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Date tagged:

01/25/2016, 10:35

Date published:

01/01/2016, 13:39