Obama issues Executive Order in support of open data - Creative Commons

Creative Commons » Commons News 2013-05-10


"Yesterday President Barack Obama issued an Executive Order requiring federal government information to be open and machine-readable by default. This Order is the latest in a series of actions going back to 2009 in support of increasing access to and transparency of government information.In addition to the Executive Order, the White House released a Memorandum (PDF) explaining how federal government agencies will comply with the new open data policy. 'This Memorandum requires agencies to collect or create information in a way that supports downstream information processing and dissemination activities. This includes using machine­ readable and open formats, data standards, and common core and extensible metadata for all new information creation and collection efforts. It also includes agencies ensuring information stewardship through the use of open licenses and review of information for privacy, confidentiality, security, or other restrictions to release.' It provides a forward-thinking set of guidelines for open data to be released by U.S. federal agencies ..."



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Timothy Vollmer

Date tagged:

05/10/2013, 15:20

Date published:

05/10/2013, 12:57