Marina Núñez Bespalova to Keynote CC Global Summit 2023

Creative Commons » Commons News 2023-09-23

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A headshot of Marina Núñez Bespalova, speaking at a microphone and wearing a light top and dark suit jacket.Used by permission from the Ministry of Culture of Mexico.

We have an incredible group of people lined up to be keynote speakers at the 2023 CC Global Summit, to be held 3–6 October in Mexico City. In our first announcements, we welcomed writer Anya Kamenetz and Māori media leader Peter-Lucas Jones. We are now deeply honored to announce that the Summit’s opening keynote will be from Marina Núñez Bespalova, Mexico’s Undersecretary of Cultural Development, speaking on global culture from the deeply rooted perspective of Mexico and Latin America.

Marina Núñez Bespalova is the undersecretary of Cultural Development in Mexico’s Ministry of Culture, starting in August 2019. With her doctorate in Spanish philology, Marina is an editor and cultural manager with almost two decades of public service in the cultural sector. She has previously been General Director of Publications of Conaculta (National Council for Culture and the Arts), the Ministry of Culture, and the National Archive, and was in charge of the conception of the platform LibrosMéxico. She also led the Reading Rooms program, the National Reading Plan from 2016 to 2018, and the expansion of various children and youth programs, as well as specific programs on cultural intervention in crisis situations and work with migrant populations, among other public charges. She has been part of the group that promotes various cultural law initiatives. She has been a teacher at global universities where she has also had research stays, such as the Queen Mary University of London, the Complutense of Madrid, and the Sapienza of Rome. She received support from the Spanish Ministry of Education to carry out her doctoral thesis and participate in a research group on the Middle Ages and secular culture through patronage. She has participated widely in national and international forums, taught many courses and seminars, and authored works in both academic and literary publications.

Like Marina, all our keynoters connect directly with CC’s areas of focus, from contemporary creativity and cultural heritage, to media, science, education, and journalism. With the Summit’s theme of AI and the commons, we also expect to be challenged with new and reborn perspectives that we should consider in thinking about artificial intelligence and its intersection with open knowledge and culture. All the Summit keynotes will honor both the Summit’s location in Mexico, and the CC community’s global scope.

We invite you to join us at the Summit in Mexico City to hear Marina and many other diverse voices speak. Our hope is that the keynote addresses, the full Summit program, and our informal connections in Mexico City and online will combine to enable us all to cultivate CC’s strategy of better sharing, sharing that is contextual, inclusive, just, equitable, reciprocal, and sustainable.

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