AIO: brain extension

Language Log 2025-01-02

I've only been using Artificial Intelligence Overview (AIO) for about half a year.  Actually, I don't really "use" it.  I ask Google a question, often quite complicated but succinctly stated, and AIO jumps in and takes over my search, boiling things down to a manageable framework.  As I've explained in earlier posts, AIO rapidly improved, its answers becoming increasingly relevant, organized, and, yes, I dare say, literate.  It's also becoming quicker and more confident.  Now it doesn't have to remind me so often that it is only "experimental".

If AIO doesn't know the answer to something I ask about, it will either tell me it doesn't know or it just won't respond.

AIO may not have a mind or a soul, but it does have a character, and I know what to expect from it.

Because AIO aggregates sources in an intelligent manner, it speeds up my searches many fold.

This is not a testimonial, though it may sound like one.  I'm saying all of these nice things about AIO because I am genuinely elated by how it expands my reach and enables me to expeditiously solve problems that would have taken me many times longer before it came online.

I don't even know who's responsible for creating and maintaining it. 

Fēicháng gǎnxiè 非常感謝 ("Thank you so much")!


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