Haha right

Language Log 2013-04-03

Apparently awakened early this morning by a stray cosmic ray, a slumbering mainframe somewhere in the depths of the University of Pennsylvania Health System sent me this email:

Subject: Required Training Expiration Notification


These items on your Knowledge Link Learning Plan may need your attention as soon due or overdue:

POCT: Bedside Glucose Testing - UPHS (HS.10010.ITEM.POCT112A) due on 7/31/1990

All the headers and links seems to be legitimate, but this is the first that I've heard of this training, which was apparently due nearly 23 years ago.  Nor, as far as I know, have I ever needed or wanted to perform (or submit to) bedside glucose testing.

I wonder whether this is the same computer that once sent out thousands of (paper) applications for radiation safety badges, with my office phone number listed as the fax number to used in submitting them. The resulting flood of voicemail messages gave me a good reason to give up on voicemail, so it all worked out.

But I'm not ready to give up on email yet.